The number one cause of hypothyroidism in the United States is Hashimoto's Disease. Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune disease. What does that mean to you and how can you help your immune system?
That is why it is so important to help your immune system to function properly. While there is no cure for an autoimmune disease, you can improve your overall health by maintaining your immune system. Here are some steps that you can take to improve your immune system.
Your digestive system is your first line of defense against germs. If your digestive tract is not in good health, you can develop leaky gut syndrome. This is where undigested proteins leak into the abdomen. Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include gas, diarrhea and cramping. Your body is trying to heal itself, and has triggered an immune response. When things get out of hand, your body could trigger an autoimmune response. To prevent this, you should take steps to insure good digestion. Chewing your food completely can help aid your digestive tract. Many people don't take to time to chew completely, and swallow huge bites of food. This slows the digestion process. Slow down, chew your food completely, and enjoy your meal. Gobbling down fast food will not help your body to heal itself. You can also help your body to heal itself by eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Start by eating a salad of leafy greens once per day. Instead of snacking on chips, try snacking on fresh fruit. Eat whole grain cereals for breakfast, and switch whole grain bread instead of white bread. Eating yogurt or taking a pro-biotic supplement will also aid your digestive tract by providing beneficial bacteria.
It is really important to get enough rest every night. Your body can devote its energy to healing itself while you are sleeping. During deep sleep, your body produces growth hormone, testosterone, and erythropoietin. These are the hormones that promote healing. So get enough rest, and allow your body to heal itself.
Many adults suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and vitamin D is essential to your immune system. In fact, studies have shown that areas that get very limited sunlight are actually "hot spots" for autoimmune disease such as MS. Your body manufactures vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight. In northern areas, getting enough sunlight can be a challenge, especially in fall and winter months. It is a good idea to eat foods that are naturally high in vitamin D. These include egg yolks, salmon and dairy products.
By taking these steps, you can help your body's immune system to function better, and maybe avoid an autoimmune attack on your thyroid.